Do we ever really outgrow the image that people paint us in? Especially in a town like this, it seems like you will always remain that person you were in middle school. Or maybe that's just me since that's shortly before I left!?! Hmmm.
Either way, in my life it seems that once people have established a (usually false) idea of who I am, I am written off as just that. Whether it's a bitch, a rebel, a stoner, a whore.. It seems like people use one incident and apply that to my entire being. Or again. Maybe I am the one who is all of those things and just refuses to see it. Maybe I'm the one who's completely fucked up...the moral of the last few months. It's been hard for me to keep my head up and move forward, being told that over and over. But do other peoples opinions define me at all?? I know what I'd tell someone who asked me that. I'd tell them to fuck em and look after themselves. So that's what I'm starting to do. I'm getting my tattoos, I'm dying my hair, I'm getting my piercing, I'm becoming me whether anyone likes it or not. I'm becoming the me that I want to be-that's the beauty of life-becoming whoever we want to be. Moulding ourselves into outer expressions of our inner souls... One day I hope I can properly emulate what I feel so strongly inside...deep love, compassion, awareness, adventure, and pure kindness. So cheesy right?
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