Thursday, April 24, 2014

Creating my Story

Remember being young and thinking that 25 was old?  That by then, love would make sense. That by then, work and family and money would all fall into place. That by then, for sure life would make sense. Now I'm creeping on 26 and I'm still waiting for all of it. In fact, most times I feel farther from those things than I ever have been. I feel more confused about those things than I can verbalize. I pretty much have none of my shit together at this point, and beginning to think about that makes my heart pound. It's funny how you have a nicely laid out plan of life and how it goes so completely sideways from that. For me, anyway. There's so many aspects of my life that have literally and figuratively knocked me on my ass, it gets overwhelming time after time. And the sad truth is that I'm gonna have to face so many more of those moments in the near and distant future. All of us have to. Maybe I have to eat my words yet again and learn to live in the moment, accept the bumps as they come and see them as a piece of the bigger picture. And maybe I have to accept that my life certainly is not going to follow any nicely laid out plan, it's simply up to me to create my own story. 

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